Monday, March 21, 2011 my late grandmother Loring

Life ticks like a clock, but you cannot adjust its hand the way you wanted to in order to have the right time... it's like a film that has an ending but you cannot rewind and go back to some scenes... I knew bai (grandmother in english) Loring when I was young, and together with my immediate grandmother Garing who died almost 11 years ago, they celebrate the "Santa Cruzan" in our house every summer of May. When my lola Garing died, no one has to lead the prayers everytime we have to remember our loveones who passed away, so we always call lola Loring to take the lead.

When I was in the Philippines last December 2010, I never got the chance to spend more time with her, since I was busy doing some stuff, which made me having regrets now. But before I left, I was able to see her and say goodbye to her and hoping to see her on my next vacation. But that won't happen, since she passed away last Saturday... I felt sad 'bout what I heard... And like the shutter of the camera that produces an image, we only have some moments to spend time with our dear ones, and no other moments can ever copy the original one...

So I dedicate this photo that I took 2 years ago for her. May she find peace on the other side of life... We will miss you lola Loring....

1 comment:

  1. this image was shot using my Sony DSLR camera, I liked the way Sony utilizes the color and light.
