Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday morning...

I woke up late in the morning as the sun is already up. So I decided to stay in my bed for a while updating this blog. Kinda lazy day for me every Sunday here, but I always try to motivate myself to do something, and while I was typing this, I can't help but noticed a plant in my neighbor's garden, which is located on the roof deck. I got my cam off my bag then tried to get a snap shot out of it... (kinda creepy for me to do, because I don't want that my neighbor will see me taking pictures in her properties and think of something different....eerrrrr...) I forgot the name of this plant, but actually its a small tree, and its fruit tastes great!

By the way, I have to crop this image since the surrounding objects don't give relevance to the subject. and also the sharpness is not good since I am only using my hands and it's shaky with the 300mm magnification. :)

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