Monday, March 28, 2011

Black and White in Shkirat

Hello guys, I just arrived an hour ago from work, kinda tired but still I am happy coz I love my work. I decided to stay late in the office till past 10 in the evening just to catch up with the deadline for tomorrow. Anyways, so much for that stuff because tomorrow, I still have to use my full stamina to finish my work, lol!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring and sunny Sunday....

Today, I decided to upload some photos of my cute niece and cousin in my blog before I go to the office and finish some works. Mary Grace or we call her by her nick name "Gay" (not the literal meaning) spent her vacation with her daughter in the Philippines last April 2009, so I got the chance to take some photos of them both. And thank God that my cousin and her family were all safe after the devastating calamity in Japan. Hoping that I can see all of them again someday.

These are the photos that were taken during my cousin's vacation on April 2009... sorry cuz, Elyssa is the main subject here, lol! just playin'. hope you like it ;)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Looking out the from an old window

This is one of my favorite collection, I was still in my bed half awake when I took this photo. I made it black and white so that it will have the vintage look. try setting your camera with the black and white and then get the right focus in order to get this style. Next time I will try to get the link of that software where you can see how many shutter does your DSLR has released. (you can only view the counts if you are using Nikon) For an entry level and semi-pro cam, it's estimated up to 150,000 and 300,000 for pro cam. So try to be wise not to take just some shots with your DSLR camera, it's kinda expensive to repair once it wears out.

Monday, March 21, 2011 my late grandmother Loring

Life ticks like a clock, but you cannot adjust its hand the way you wanted to in order to have the right time... it's like a film that has an ending but you cannot rewind and go back to some scenes... I knew bai (grandmother in english) Loring when I was young, and together with my immediate grandmother Garing who died almost 11 years ago, they celebrate the "Santa Cruzan" in our house every summer of May. When my lola Garing died, no one has to lead the prayers everytime we have to remember our loveones who passed away, so we always call lola Loring to take the lead.

When I was in the Philippines last December 2010, I never got the chance to spend more time with her, since I was busy doing some stuff, which made me having regrets now. But before I left, I was able to see her and say goodbye to her and hoping to see her on my next vacation. But that won't happen, since she passed away last Saturday... I felt sad 'bout what I heard... And like the shutter of the camera that produces an image, we only have some moments to spend time with our dear ones, and no other moments can ever copy the original one...

So I dedicate this photo that I took 2 years ago for her. May she find peace on the other side of life... We will miss you lola Loring....

Friday, March 18, 2011

Which do you prefer??

Hey guys, I just uploaded these images for you to choose, I took this shot when I was having my vacation in Barcelona, Spain last year. So its up to you  which image do you prefer; the original or the one enhanced with lines. They are almost identical at this size, but the only difference is that the colors are more vibrant in the enhanced image. Let your inner instinct decide...

Again, let me inform you that the image size was reduced for me to upload it fast, so you will see some pixels once you zoom it in. PM me on facebook  if you are interested for the larger and clearer image file. Have a rockin' Friday night to all!

Cheers! Don't eat and drink too much carbs, its not good on the belly ;)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

some images shot in Tangier

I was watching the movie "Morning Glory" starring Rachel McAdams and Harrison Ford and I just saw these two images in my back up photography folder. Imagine doing multi tasking activities at one time, watching a movie while picking some photos to upload and having your dinner... Sounds funny, but I am used to it. And it's a good way to exercise our multi cored brains. Well, these are some shots taken during my travel in Tangier. The first one was taken in one of the cafeterias facing the scenic beach and the other one was shot near the Hercules Cave. Every city in Morocco has a lot to offer in terms of nature, and no wonder tourist love to visit this country.
The image size were reduced so if you are interested to use this as your desktop wallpaper, feel free to hit me a message either here on in facebook and I would be happy to send you the original copy...

Don't forget to search for the theme song of the movie that I mentioned which is performed by Natasha Bedingfield named "Strip me". An inspiring and upbeat song ;)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

my trip to Tangier, Morocco

Well, as what I have promised to the girls that I will upload a small compilation of our trip to Tanger, here it is... We are so thankful to the Filipino engineers who fully accommodated us there, and even father Rey, who offered accommodations too. We enjoyed a lot staying there, and I can say that the Filipino hospitality is still the best in the world, no other culture or race can do what did our friends did. Again, we are so thankful for you guys there. Hope we can be there again sometime....

I will try to add some more photos from my archive here later..

 This image was taken in the garden of one of the coffee shops in Tangier, actually its a great location since the shop is overlooking the beach, and at the back is the peak of the mountain.

Monday, March 14, 2011

rainy day boredom...

Well, I just did all my activities after office hours, so I'm just sitting infront of my laptop doing some stuff for my photography and I came across the photos of my friends here in Rabat. I almost got nosebleeds coming out for a nice layout of the 4 ladies ;) (just kidding girls, you know I love you my friends ok?? haha!) Well, hope you like this one. And hoping to get some agents for those girls, what's the minimum height by the way for a model?? lol

Rainy days and Mondays....

The weather is going crazy today, it was raining before I went out for work this morning....uff.. I missed this setting when I was in the Philippines that whenever it rains, I'd rather be staying at home watching movies sipping hot arroz caldo or macaroni soup and sleeping. But at this time, I have to go and do my work in the office. While reminiscing the rainy season in my beloved country, I remembered that I have some photos taken during rainy season. Too bad I don't have yet the rainy season street photography photos to upload, but I love to see the crystal rain drizzling on plants and trees. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday morning...

I woke up late in the morning as the sun is already up. So I decided to stay in my bed for a while updating this blog. Kinda lazy day for me every Sunday here, but I always try to motivate myself to do something, and while I was typing this, I can't help but noticed a plant in my neighbor's garden, which is located on the roof deck. I got my cam off my bag then tried to get a snap shot out of it... (kinda creepy for me to do, because I don't want that my neighbor will see me taking pictures in her properties and think of something different....eerrrrr...) I forgot the name of this plant, but actually its a small tree, and its fruit tastes great!

By the way, I have to crop this image since the surrounding objects don't give relevance to the subject. and also the sharpness is not good since I am only using my hands and it's shaky with the 300mm magnification. :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

2011 Japan Quake

Let us pray for the people of Japan who are victims of the earthquake and tsunami... and also for those who are in China...

When mother nature reacts, no man-made structure can withstand to her fury...

My Photo Journal Blog

As we travel through various facets in life, we have those moments that were captured by our eyes that cannot be re-winded. So I created this blog site for me to show some of my amateur works in photography as my hobby and as I travel through life. I hope that it will serve as an inspiration to all of you...

I have been living and working in Morocco for 3 years now. And I would say that this country has a lot to offer in terms of its natural beauty. And I love it here, no natural calamities to be scared of, kinda exaggerated for me to described but...kinda true in a way... The image above is the picture of the Medina in Rabat. I took this shot in the summer of 2009. It's like little L.A. when you see it for the first time ;)

 The image on the left was taken along the road when I was on my way going to the city of Ifrane, north of Rabat City. I am always amazed with the beauty of the sun rising above the sky and shining on the picturesque landscape.