Wednesday, April 6, 2011


This weekend was sooooooo boring for me because the weather was gloomy and I cannot go out to take some photos. So I decided to see my best friend Alae for a lunch last Monday and talked to him for awhile, since we haven't seen each other for more than 2 months, we were both busy with our works! errrrrrrr! Then I decided to see him on Tuesday if I can take some photos of him and it's cool that he said yes. Here are some shots that were taken. I didn't
upload all the photos since it takes some time to do it...

The 2 images with his brown shirt was the new one and the image below was taken recently when he played tennis with his friends..... of course my friends too, lol!

This guy has never changed, he is still the same old funny and full of practical jokes under his sleeves that will make you just laughing loud. And its a good thing for him since he is s free spirited type of person. I can surely say there is no dull moments with this guy. Keep it cool my good friend.

Yo Alae, hope you like it man. Cheers!

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