Saturday, April 30, 2011

T.G.I. Friday dinner with friends

from left: Simo, Alae and me. its the trio having dinner ;)
It's really been a long week for me since I got to finish some works and I am that type of person that when I have an important task to finish, I really cannot sleep well. It's really my nature since I love my work a lot! I can say that there are transitions in the duties of my work, and not doing the monotonous stuff. I kinda feel tired during the working hours but I am still motivated to finish the work because it was a bit challenging. Though sometimes during the office hours, my eyes cannot avoid to close. Good thing I have seen a scene in Tom and Jerry show which gave me an idea to draw an alternative image of an eye on my "eyelids" which in case I fell asleep, they will still think that I am stll wide awake because they can see the drawing of alternative eyes, ahehehhe! 
just kidding! But seriously, I go to the toilet and jump several times inside, haha!

Simo, took the spotlight and leaving us in the background. :D
So much for that stuff around. And before office hour ends, Simo called, inviting me to have dinner with our friend Alae at 9:30PM. So I asked Rowena to come with me to the barber shop in Takadoum to have my hair cut before going to the dinner. She's a bit busy with her work, but I was able to manage to convinced her to continue her work on Saturday and come with me to the barber. By the way, let me say this to her, "Thank you" and "Sorry" Weng, love you my friend, you are the best! (oooooooops! someone might get jealous reading this.... ahem!) I mean our fans! haha! wink! wink! Before having my hair cut, I am still hesitant if I will have it cut or grow it longer. Since Rowena, wanted me to have shorter hair in which I look cleaner and younger, aww... but Alae and some of our friends wanted me having a long hair which kinda looks like subtle and mature. So in the end, I decided to go to the middle of both parties, which is to have my haircut not too short and not long either, and the outcome was great! I too love it, and I almost fell inlove with my new haircut! hahha!  (I'm not a Narcicist, but well, kinda.... rooooooooo!)

from left: Mahfoud, Me, Alae and Youssef.
After having my haircut, we went to Megamall with some girls to have some snacks. And after havin' snack at Zen Zen, I went to the service counter to ask for a "mika" plastic bag or paper bag in Arabic, and the girl in the counter said in French that I was the first Chinese guy that she saw who talked in Arabic (sounds funny to me, but I appreciate it) and then I responded her "La, la Chinwi, anan Filipini" which translates as "no, no Chinese, I am a Filipino" in which its not the appropriate phrase, which made the girl chuckled (laugh silently or inward way), hehehe! But I am not embarrassed about it coz I know I really sounded funny. Yo guys, I know this will sound funny to you reading this post, especially for those who can speak Moroccan Arabic. ;) Then I told my lady friends that I will have to leave them since I have a program at 9:30pm. I went to my apartment, took some shower and left the apartment, get a cab and headed to Simo's place. Alae is already there waiting for the food to be served, since it's Simo's turn for the dinner. So we talked a bit about our daily lives. And when the food was served, Youssef, an architect, arrived and joined us. Then after couple of minutes, Mahfoud, also an architect came in and joined us. We are all architects actually, sharing different views in life, and I really appreciate Alae and Simo for introducing me to their circle of friends. We talked about funny things and stuffs and it was really great! and also the food that Simo prepared was awesome. "Simo, I love the Paella that you made dude! thanks a lot for the nice dinner and with great friends." It was past 1am when me and the rest of the gang left his place with some photos for awesome moments to cherish between wonderful friends. Mahfoud, together with Alae and Youssef decided to drive me back home since they are a bit worried that I cannot find a taxi and also for some security reasons, I really appreciated what these cool and good friends did. And it's really been a pleasure knowing them.

That is the reason why I love staying and working here in Morocco, because aside from the good work that I have, I have great circle of friends whom they treat me as one of them and not different. You're awesome guys! God bless you always.

By the way, these photos were taken from my Sony DSLR cam, coz I love the way it renders colors.  Although I am not a fan of "flash" photography, I prefer natural lighting. but it's unavoidable because of the low light situation and I don't have an alternative lens for my Sony to compensate with the low light conditions. Have a good weekend everyone :)


  1. anyway the pictures look great man, even with flash, you r the best:)
    hubert , i loved your funny way talking arabic, i m trying to imagine it, with the accent (laaa laaaaaa chinoui ana philippiniiiiiii) loooooooooooool, i wish i could be there hearing that, like your other funny frensh accent (to the l ambassade de portugal monsieur) really funny man.
    he man you r one of us now, we r not introducing you to our circle, you r in it, good bless you my friend, cheers ;)

  2. thanks a lot man, more photos are gonna be posted here in the future. it's really great to know true friend like you, and don't change. people liked you for the way you are. you are the best! and you made me laughing out loud here reading your comment.

    don't worry, you will be hearing a lot of my funny accent in Arabic and French. ahehhehe! and I need to learn more and mostly thank you for having me to you great circle of friends. stay cool man. God bless! cheers! ;)
