Bon jour a' tous! (as what they greet in French)
I'm kinda busy and tired these past few days so I haven't been into my blog lately. Sorry guys! Maybe I could get a better grip on to my moods for the coming days since I am back on a healthy routine, like sleep early, eat balance diet, workout and stay positive. Did I mention "stay positive???" uff..... that's tough one to do here, but I need to, in order to bring my confidence and energy level up! And of course good friends boost your confidence too!

For today's blog, I have decided to put the limelight to my good, loyal and true friend Rowena. Well, I have known Rowena since college when I am still studying architecture. I'm ahead of her by 3 years, so their batch was like my younger friends. I still remember those days that her batch keeps on bugging me and my classmates while taking the esquisse in the Design subjects. eerrrrrrrr! Rowena and her classmates, asked anything that they see around you, even some little things that they will see on your drawing.... and I consider that as a part of the torment of taking the exams, haha! I haven't seen her then after I graduate from my degree, until 2008, when I saw her here in Rabat as one of the new hired ladies in our office. And it was a shocker for me to see that its her, whose my former schoolmate! Because the picture in her CV was way different, so I really don't have any idea that I was going to work with her, haha! Peace out Weng (as what her friends call her). Well, she never changed, and still the same old girl whom above my average acceptable loudness of voice and I would consider holding my mobile phone on my ear even when I was not on call coz she speaks softly when I talk to her on the phone, haha! Just kidding Weng! She was my real friend that she knows me personally, and saw me through my strongest and my weak point. Thanks a lot Weng! You are a real friend to me who understands me always... I know I'm a bit temperamental guy but you keep me cool and sounded like my older sister, who keeps me calm always (are you my lost sister?? is it you?? haha!). just playin' :)

Well, here are some pictures that I collected throughout times with Rowena. Stay happy my friend, hope you like it.... This is one way of me saying thanks to you... ;)
I love the first photo, simple and deep :)