Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Go green....

Eversince I came to Morocco, I was always fascinated with the herbs grown here and how my friends use it for their everyday recipes. I love how the food tastes and everytime it touches my tastebuds, wow! I always have this feeling that I am in a fine dine restaurant where you can taste the essence of every ingredients, without additional seasoning. For example, the spaghetti that I always like has different presentation in my taste. Thanks to my friends who always share their delightful recipes everytime they prepare foods, not to mention Rowena , ate Tess who's already in Portugal and ate Lory who is already in Austria. Maybe I should learn how to prepare those stuff in order to eat good and healthy diet.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Back With a New Attitude...

Hello guys, it's been awhile that this site was dormant. I became focused with different stuffs around me lately and devoted my time for my self preservation and healing... But now, I am back  and I will be posting you with some good and not so good stuff within my stay here in Morocco. People and things "which" made me changed the way I deal with them... So I'll be keeping you posted and be surprised with this new things around here... cheers!

Monday, October 3, 2011

the story behind the image...

check this out guys, if you can tell the story about this image... :)

comments on facebook and here are welcome...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tour Hassan....

Hello guys, last Sunday, it was a bit gloomy. and again, I am having this gloomy feeling and the lazy attitude (does this word exist???), I don't know.... The weather has really something to do with my emotions and moods at times and I mean most of the time. So after the Sunday mass at the Spanish church, my friends went to one of our friend's apartment and had their lunch there, but I decided to have my breakfast at McDonalds...

After having my breakfast, I walked going to Tour Hassan to take some photos. And while I was walking going to my destination, I saw 2 young

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sunset view at my apartment...

Hello guys! long time no updates here, I just wanted to share this photo taken in the terrace of my apartment one Sunday afternoon. Hope you like it! stay cool! cheers to ya all! ;)

Friday, August 26, 2011


This image was taken from my mobile phone when I was at the office. After making a call to my mom, I notice the beautiful color of these flower in the garden , though I have my DSLR camera with me, I decided to use my mobile to be a bit challenging with the inferiority of the quality of the image taken from a mobile phone, but it turns out to be a good shot!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunsets.... waiting for a new day...

Hello guys, I have been very busy for sometime that is why this blog has been silent for a while. But through those weeks of silence, I have collected some good photos of the sunsets. some of those images were posted on Facebook, but since I deactivated my account there some some personal reason with how do I say, "friends with malevolent deeds??" I mean those people who only calls or get in touch with you when they needed something but after they got what they wanted, they just ignore you... well I don't mind since no matter what happens I am still here as a good friend to them... And I guess they don't consider me a good friend because they know that I will call them if they don't call me back. So it's better to to stay away from them.... I guess...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Long term of silence....

Hello to all! Sorry, I was kinda busy at work and kinda taking some time to lay low for awhile, so even this blog site was also forgotten for some updates. Well, I was feeling a bit bored and lazy at the same time during those days of silence, haha! But I am so much happy since I found some good friends and good colleagues. I hang out with some friends as time passes by. Of course I am always with my camera to take some good moments, which I do believe that only a photo can preserve that moment. So without further a do, here are some of my collections that I did for the past weeks of being silent and lazy, eerrrrrrrrr! hope you like it ;)