Tuesday, May 3, 2011

People on vintage color...

I was scanning for some old photos today and I thought that why not convert some new images into a vintage colors. Most people are adding some effects on their images in order to make it more appealing, which most of us say its cheating. Well, as long as you won't have to alter your eyes from the eyes of Brad Pitt or the beautiful smile of Jennifer Love Hewitt to your images, its ok, but not to the point that you will overdo or
over-process your photo. For me, uploading some images on your facebook, twitter or any social networking site which is in its untouch state is good, but some adjustments in the sharpness will do the thing, since sometimes, we cannot avoid to have an out of focus image, or blurred subject due to shaky hands if you are just using a simple mobile camera phone or digital cameras. But thanks to the latest technology today, since most of the digital cameras were equipped with anti-shake feature which reduces the blur in most cases.

I have compiled only few of the good images which I will consider convertible to the vintage look. I was asking a permission to my friend Rowena to upload a good photo from her, but the girl is on a "diva attitude" when I showed her what picture that I will upload, and I would say Whitney Houston attitude, haha! peace Weng! But I'm kind enough to look for other photos of her. The photos that I was asking for her permission is good enough for the vintage looks, but anyways try to check if the photos here deserve the vintage conversion, what I mean is that it's not so vintage because we are not wearing 50's, 60's or 70's outfit. Just check it out!

The first image above was taken in a fast food chain in Agdal, it's Zineb. It's cool that I was able to convinced her just for a couple of shots while talking.

 The image on the right is Connie, a good friend of mind, jolly and a good singer. I was invited last weekend for a little gathering with the other Filipinos and she cooks great! wow!
This is father Rey, a priest who was assigned in the Spanish church in Tangier. I swear you will go crazy laughing with him everytime he tells some stories that you don't know it's a joke, hehe! He is full of instant jokes that will lift up your bad moods.

This is Jane, also a friend of mine, serious looking but a jolly type of person. I can't forget that Banana cake that she baked, it really taste awesome.
This is Alae, the coolest true friend that I've ever known. Another free-spirited kind of guy. He does practical jokes that will make you choking for laughs. Good thing about him is that he never wanted to spoil the good moods of his friends when he's around.
This is my true and sincere friend Rowena, this was taken I think last month after the English mass in the Spanish church in Rabat. Well, she was wearing a nice dress so I took a photo of her and it turned out great. Its very rare to have her on the camera with the serious look.

Well, what can I say, it's me! It's up for my friends to judge me, haha!


  1. Now that I look at it! I'm glad you convinced me of taking this photo! thanks a lot ^_^
    ~The vintage colors effect is great! keep up the good work! ;)

  2. Well, it's always been a good pleasure to convinced you the second time, and it turned out great! you are always welcome Zineb. thank you too for your comment ;)
