Monday, May 9, 2011

Zineb B.

Weekend was so great for me because it was sunny and warm... It's my kind of weather since I grew up in a country where it's sunny almost of the time, except for the typhoon season, haha! Having a sunny and warm weather here in Morocco is a great opportunity to do outdoor activities like go to the beach, jog, stroll around the city or have a walk around

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Love conquers everything... Love can change everything... Love unites to different ideas into one... but there is no other love that can be compared to the love of our mother... no one can... I just wanted to thank my mom for giving me life in this world, carrying me inside her womb for 9 months, sacrificing sleepless nights to embrace me and

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wednesday dinner: an explosion of traditional Moroccan cuisine

It's Alae's turn for the dinner, so he already informed me 3 days before his first cooking challenge. But before his big day of cooking, we went out to shop some utensils which he will be using for his menu. The weather is not that good because it rains most of the time and  it's very cold.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

People on vintage color...

I was scanning for some old photos today and I thought that why not convert some new images into a vintage colors. Most people are adding some effects on their images in order to make it more appealing, which most of us say its cheating. Well, as long as you won't have to alter your eyes from the eyes of Brad Pitt or the beautiful smile of Jennifer Love Hewitt to your images, its ok, but not to the point that you will overdo or

Sunday, May 1, 2011

my new haircut ;)

I was expecting to have a sunny and warm Saturday morning but the sky didn't agree with what I wanted. errrrrr! I was hoping to go out and take some photos and breathe fresh air outside. Anyways, there's no hope for me to do some outdoor activities so I decided to do my laundry and do some cleaning in the apartment because I didn't clean the floor and kitchen last week (coz I was in the office busy rushing things at that time).And I was supposed to see my friends in Mega mall but I fell asleep waiting for my laundry to finish. (sorry Alae and the rest of the gang if I didn't make it)